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Sarah Bawler trained as an actress at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, now the Royal Conservatoire for Scotland. Since graduating, Sarah has worked as a professional director, focusing on open air productions and immersive theatre including  productions for Everyman Open Air Theatre such as the Adventures of Robin Hood, Treasure Island, Richard II, King Lear and Hamlet.


Sarah works extensively with young people and undergraduates all over Wales in a number of college and FE settings.  


In 2013, she directed a piece at the National Student Drama Festival which went on to win the Sunday Times Award.  She has been a producer on the Tiddly Prom at St Davids Hall and has directed for the National Theatre's NT Connections.


Professional acting work includes National Theatre Wales’ city-wide production of City of the Unexpected (a celebration of Roald Dahl’s writing) directed by Nigel Jamieson. She has also worked with the RSC’s Michael Corbidge in the one woman show Tick! as part of the Reduced Womanhood Season.


Sarah spent five years working for the then Lloyds TSB Bank as a trainer running team building, public speaking and confidence workshops.


Serena spent many happy years teaching English and drama in secondary schools. She has also worked professionally as an actor and as a comedy improviser, playing corporate gigs and festivals such as Green Man and the Edinburgh Fringe.


For the past 6 years she has been assistant director for Hijinx Theatre’s community group, Odyssey, facilitating workshops for young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism and helping to stage their performances at the Wales Millennium Centre.


Serena studied creative writing as part of her degree and has led creative writing summer schools for 9-13 year olds for the past 5 years.  Her writing for theatre has been performed at National Theatre Wales events, at the Edinburgh Festival and Serena and Sarah collaborated on the writing of a binaural audio trail in Barry.​


In 2022, Serena completed an MA in Theatre which she gained from the Guilford School of Acting.


Sarah and Serena both sing and play piano and guitar respectively and enjoy songwriting as part of their project work.


Image: Claire Cousins.

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